Are you getting cabin fever? Miss participating in parish life?
You are invited to grab a cup of coffee and log into “Coffee and Catholicism”!
Journey with Carolyn through the fundamentals of our Catholic Faith in a brief, 30 minute videos (1st and last video is 45).
Click on the links below:
- #1 Coming to Faith”
- #2 “God and His Creation”
- #3 “Jesus, Incarnate God”
- #4 “Why Did Jesus Die?”
- #5 “The Resurrection and Ascension”
- #6 “Who is the Holy Spirit?”
- #7 “The Church and the Last Things”
- #8 “The Mass, Our Central Act of Worship”
- #9 “The Sacrament of Baptism”
- #10 “The Sacrament of Confirmation“
- #11 “The Sacrament of Holy Eucharist”
- #12 “The Sacraments of Reconciliation & Annointing of the Sick”
- #13 “The Sacraments of Matrimony & Holy Orders”
- #14 “Getting to know the Inside of our Church”
- #15 “Prayer”
- #16- “Catholic Morality”
Questions will be answered and can be emailed to: