Christmas Choir





Christmas Choir needs you:

All Singers grade 5-college should meet in the St. Patrick School music room (115), enter school through the middle set of doors on West St.  Rehearsals are November 13 & 20 and December 4 & 11 from 10:00 am to 11:30 am and December 18 and 22 from 10:00 am to noon.  The Choir will be singing at the 6:00 pm Christmas Eve Mass.  If you have questions please contact James Tavadze or Therese Jandernoa at 517-647-6505 x 423.  Remember that college age singers must have attended a Protecting God’s Children Awareness Session. 




No Masses

Just a quick reminder that Fr. Mike is still gone and there will be no weekday Masses.  MSGR Stasker will be hearing confessions and presiding Masses this weekend (Nov. 13/14)

Fall Fest




  • Raffle tickets and pre-ordered dinners can be purchased this weekend at the Football game. Jill Scheurer will be available in the concession stand for purchase and orders.
  • Raffle tickets and pre-ordered dinners can also be purchased after all masses this weekend in the Parish Hall.
  • All paper raffle tickets should be turned in no later than Thursday, Nov. 4th.
  •  All dinners should be pre-ordered by Thursday, Nov. 4th. Day of meals will be on a limited, first come first serve basis.
