The Sacrament of Baptism is called “the gateway to life in the Spirit” (CC,1213. Baptism imparts to us “sanctifying grace” and is an act that forgives sins, grants spiritual rebirth, and makes one a member of the Church (CC, 1213). It it important that parents not approach the baptism of their child simply as a “rite of passage” or “family tradition”. You must have a serious intent to raise your child as a practicing Catholic. To get additional information or registration forms please contact the parish office at or 517-647-6505 x 410.

A few general requirements for Baptism at St. Patrick :

1.  You must be a registered parishioner at the parish under your own household, not your parents family (if you are unsure of your status contact the parish office)

2.  You must be attending Mass regularly 6 months prior to a Baptism.

3.  At least 1 Godparent must be a practicing catholic in good standing of a parish and be 16 years old.

4.  Parents must attend a baptism preparation class (if you haven’t previously completed Reborn) – These classes will be held quarterly at St. Patrick, dates have not yet been confirmed.

Baptism Classes will be held in person quarterly on the first Saturday of the month.

Baptisms will take place at St. Patrick on the second Sunday of each month after the 10:00 Mass with the exception of Lent and Advent.