“Ladies in Truth” (LIT)
“Ladies in Truth” (LIT) invites you to join them on Saturday mornings to grow deeper in your relationship with the Lord! We are a group of women (high school and up) who are all striving to know God more, discern His will for our lives, and navigate through life with a biblical world view all while enjoying each others friendship and support along the way.
We meet Saturday mornings in the Parish Hall from 8:30am-10:00 am and would love to have you join us! We provide breakfast the second Saturday of each month during our time together!
Questions? Contact Nikki Brown at nikkibrown@portlandstpats.org or 517-647-6505 ext 2052.
Woven Women Widow’s Group
Wednesday mornings, 10am-11:30am in the Parish Hall. Support, community, and grace during grief after the loss of a spouse. Whether your loss occurred recently or years ago, all are welcome in this healing ministry. For more information, email the parish office: parishoffice@portlandstpats.org.

Women of the Word
This group of ladies meets every second and fourth Saturday in room #110 to dive deep into the weekly Scripture readings, 10am-11:30am. Access the school through door #6 on West Street. For more information, email the parish office: parishoffice@portlandstpats.org.