June 18, 2021 4:05 pm

Shamrock Summer Music Festival. Shamrock Summer Music Festival

A Festival designed to provide some basic musical knowledge and training will be
held at St. Patrick Parish from July 13-July 29. The Festival is open to all
interested students from 6th grade and above. Participants will meet twice a
week and touch base of rhythm, solfege, music notation (both Gregorian and
modern) and singing. The Festival will be held outdoors if the weather is good
or in one of the parish buildings, which has enough space for distancing. At the
end of the Festival participants will sing Gloria from the Mass of St. Ann. The
instructions will be given by James Tavadze-music coordinator at St. Patrick.
Please RSVP to James if interested, to ensure our space is large enough to
accommodate everyone. James (jamestavadze@portlandstpats.org)