August 20, 2024 9:45 pm

Do you know someone interested in becoming catholi. YOU ARE INVITED!

Not Catholic and are interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith?

Have you considered becoming Catholic and would like to learn more about the

Are you Catholic and would like to know more about who you are as a Catholic?


Beginning Tuesday evening September 10th after the evening 6pm Mass we are
offering the new inquiry phase of the OCIA process (formerly known as the
RCIA).  Please join us as we cover topics such as:

* What is faith?

* The Holy Trinity

* The Sacraments

* The Bible and Divine Revelation

* The Mass

* Mary and the Saints

I am excited to be part of this opportunity with you,

Fr. Mike

Please contact Amy Smith or Lori Thelen in the parish office to reserve your
spot today!