“There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone.” (1 Corinthians 12:4-6)
St. Patrick Parish offers many different opportunities for returning our gifts of time and talent to God. As stewards of God-given skills and abilities, volunteering in a ministry or organization provides a way to thank God, share our faith with others, and enhance our community. The focus of these ministries include:
- Worship and liturgy
- Catholic education for people of all ages
- Outreach programs and projects
- Groups and activities that incorporate Catholic Values
- Programs that keep the Parish moving forward.
Dollars given through the offertory collection each week support these ministries, as well as donations of many hours of time and talent.
How can I take part in St. Patrick’s Stewardship and Ministry Programs?
The St. Patrick Parish Stewardship and Ministries book contains the various Ministry descriptions. Please prayerfully consider contributing your gift of time, talent or treasure to these programs.
Reference Materials
Pastoral letter on stewardship from the US Conference of Catholic Bishops includes –
- To Be a Christian Steward – Summary of the U.S. Bishops Pastoral Letter on Stewardship
- Stewardship and Development in Catholic Dioceses and Parishes: A Resource Manual