Monday, March 17th is St. Patrick Feast Day and Father will be having Mass at 6:00pm. Therefore, classes will NOT be held, however, we will be attending Mass instead. Please plan on attending as this night will still count for attendance.
First Communion celebrations will take place at all three Masses on the first weekend in June, 7th and 8th. Forms have been sent out and are due May 1st. These fill up fast so don’t delay in returning it. Contact the Faith Formation office with any questions.
When registering your students for Monday Night Faith Formation classes, be aware that if your student is in 7th or 8th grade, you do not need to register them on this form, nor do you pay the $25.00 tuition fee for your 7th or 8th grader. Sorry if this wasn’t clear in the communication. You will receive other means of communications from Nikki Brown for your 7th or 8th grader that will be attending on Sunday evenings.
“Education is a family matter, parents and teachers must collaborate openly and constructively to form children in core values which enable them to face modern challenges”–Pope Francis
Faith Formation is open to all students grades DK through 6th grade. Classes are held in St. Patrick school classrooms on Monday evenings 6:30-8:00 pm. The fee this year is $25.00 PER STUDENT. This can be mailed in or dropped off to the Parish office, be placed in the office mailbox, or in the collection baskets in church. Make sure it is clearly marked for Faith Formation. A registration form will need to be filled out and submitted when registering students(see form above). Registration forms and tuition is due by September 1st to insure enough time to order textbooks and Catechists can get prepared.
Faith Formation Curriculum
This outreach ministry program is directed toward children 4 years old through sixth grade. Children’s Faith Formation is conducted in person at St. Patrick school using the “Spirit of Truth” curriculum.
Catechists will encourage and guide their students into a deeper love and understanding of our Catholic faith.
Along with learning the Catholic faith, parents can help teach their students to live it! Students can take part in service projects such as visiting the home-bound, making greeting cards, doing yard work, and group projects like food drives, assisting at soup kitchens and visiting nursing homes.

Contact Lori Thelen
(517) 647-6505 EXT 419
Sacramental Preparation Requirements
Preparation for the Sacraments of First Communion, Reconciliation and Confirmation will take place at home with parents utilizing the “Signs of Grace” and “Chosen” online programs. Each course has it’s own outline(which is provided) for students to follow and keep track of their progress. At the end of each course, students will acquire a “certification of completion”. Both Sacraments will be received in the spring at the end of their second or eighth-grade year.