
St. Patrick School Tuition

Tuition rates are established in the spring of each school year by the Pastor and Administrative Team with the approval of the Finance Council.

Scholarships are available from the Shamrock Scholarship Fund and the Diocese of Grand Rapids.

Families are encouraged to participate in the Scrip program to help defray the cost of tuition.


2025-2026 Tuition
Grade 1st Child 2nd Child 3rd Child 4th Child
9-12 $6,150 $5,250 $4,350 $3,450
DK-8 $5,450 $4,550 $3,655 $2,720
Preschool 5-day $2,965
Preschool 3-day $2,095
Preschool 2-day  $1,590
  • Any children in the same family in grades DK-12, enrolled at the same time, past the 4th child will attend St. Patrick School at no charge except the $50 per pupil enrollment fee.
  • Each preschool student will be charged the same per child rate.

Additional details can be found in the letter  which was emailed to all returning families on March 11, 2025.  This letter  is for all new families.

If you need financial assistance, please contact Deacon Randy Hodge at the school office (517) 647-7551 or the Business Manager at the parish office (517) 647-6505.

Finalsite Tuition Management System

St. Patrick School uses Finalsite Tuition Management, as mandated by the Diocese of Grand Rapids.

Please contact the Business Manager at 517-647-6505, extension 413 if you have questions.

Log in to Finalsite

Try Us! You'll Like Us!

We are so confident in our mission at St. Patrick School that we are offering new students the opportunity to experience it for free!

Any new student in grades 1-11 who transfers to St. Patrick School will receive one quarter free.  Families will pay for only three quarters.

Call the school office @ 517-647-7551 if you’d like more information, or if you’d like to arrange a meeting or a tour of the school.

Student Referral Program

As a registered school family you have experienced firsthand the quality education St. Patrick’s has to offer.  Now it’s time to share our enthusiasm and faith with others.  St. Patrick School is offering up to $300 in tuition incentives for parents who are successful in seeking out and finalizing a new family registration.

Here’s how it works:

  •   Both parties must sign the Student Referral Form available at the school office or by clicking here.
  •   The new family must remain in our school system for an entire school year.
  •   A $300 credit will be applied toward next year’s tuition.
  •   Credit does not apply to preschool referrals.
  •   If multiple families refer a new family, they will share the credit.
  •   Credit can be claimed only by the parents/guardians of a current student family.  It is not transferable.

St. Patrick Catholic School encourages you to talk to your friends, family members, and neighbors to let them know why you have chosen St. Patrick School.  The Student Referral Program rewards existing families, gets a new family involved in an excellent school system, and of course increases enrollment.  When we grow the school, we grow together, and strengthen the stability of the school.

If you have any questions, please contact the school office at 517-647-7551.  Print the Student Referral Form.

Diocesan Referral Program

Do you know a family with school age children who might be interested in Catholic education?  Fill out the online referral form at this link and it will be sent to the Office of Catholic Schools at the Diocese of Grand Rapids.  They will contact the family. Your name will not be used.

Personal contact has been shown to be the single most important factor in a family’s school decisions.  Diocese of Grand Rapids data shows that 40% of the families who are contacted will make an appointment to visit the school.


Shamrock Scholarship Fund

Each year, alumni and friends are asked to donate to the St. Patrick Shamrock Scholarship Fund.  The proceeds from this appeal are used to help provide tuition scholarships for families who are experiencing unplanned financial hardships.  To inquire about receiving assistance from this fund, contact Randy Hodge at St. Patrick school office or the Business Manager at St. Patrick Parish business office.

Father Flohe Foundation

The primary function of the Father Flohe Foundation is to keep Catholic education available to the people of St. Patrick Parish and surrounding communities by funding some of the school expenses.

For complete information about the Father Flohe Foundation, please visit the web page.

Foundations and Memorials

If you would like to set up a scholarship, memorial or foundation to honor a loved one, or to make a donation to any of the existing funds, please contact Principal Randy Hodge at (517) 647-7551 or randyhodge@portlandstpats.org or the Business Manager at the business office (517) 647-6505.   It is also possible to donate to any of these funds through Online Giving, a convenient and secure site that is easy to use.