
About St. Patrick Elementary

St. Patrick School offers two choices for early elementary:

  • The developmental kindergarten program  is designed for students who are 4 years old and turn 5 before December 31 of the school year of enrollment.


  • The kindergarten program is designed for students who are 4 years old and turn 5 before September 1 of the school year of enrollment.


St. Patrick School no longer holds a typical kindergarten screening day, opting instead for ongoing screening which is done throughout the school year.  Previous experience has shown that spring screening, which is simply a snapshot of one particular day, is not always the best way to determine a student’s readiness for the upcoming academic year.  Now teachers spend time throughout the multi-age year evaluating benchmarks and establishing learning goals.



Hot Lunch         April Menu           March Menu                 

The Hot Lunch program is provided through Portland Food Service by Chartwells.  Hot lunch will begin on the first full day of school.  The cost for elementary students is $2.75 per day.  Cold lunch students can purchase milk for $ .60.

Each student has their own computerized lunch account.  (Meal Magic Family Portal      New user instructions). Cash or checks may be applied at any time to this account. Please make checks out to Portland Food Service (PFS). Elementary please send money in a clearly marked envelope to your classroom teacher.

Bus Transportation

Bus transportation is provided by Portland Public Schools.  If you have questions, please contact the bus garage at 647-2993.  If your child needs a bus pass, please call the bus garage to make arrangements.


Weekly Mass Schedule
  • All elementary students in grades K through 5 attend Mass at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday.
Absence/Dismissal Information
  • If your student will be absent, please call the school office by 8:30 a.m.
  • Students not riding the bus will be brought to either the gym steps or the Parish Hall for dismissal.  Your location will be assigned at the beginning of the school year.
  • At the conclusion of the school day, After School Supervision (formerly called latchkey) is available for students in grades DK-8.  There is a fee for this service.
  • If you will be making alternate arrangements for student pick-up after school, please call the school office before 3:00 p.m.

Grading Scale DK – 2

P (Proficient)                     90-100
DV (Developing)                 70-89
NY (Not Yet)                           1-69

NE (Not Evaluated)                 –

CR                                          Credit


Grading Scale Grades 3-5

A+ 97-100

A     93-96
A-    90-92
B+   87-89
B      83-86
B-    80-82
C+   77-79
C     73-76
C-    70-72
D+   67-69
D     63-66
D-    60-62
F     59 and below
CR  Credit
NC  No Credit
Inc  Incomplete