We Pray! We Learn! We Achieve!
St. Patrick Catholic School was founded in 1906 and has been providing Catholic Education to the families of the Portland area and beyond for over 100 years. In addition to its Elementary and High School programs, the school also operates a Preschool, Daycare, and Multi-Age Kindergarten Program.
Our Philosophy
“And whatever we (you) do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” (Colossians 3:17)
This is the foundation of the St. Patrick School Philosophy. Our purpose is to serve as role models who are living examples of Christian values and to seek and foster the ability to see Jesus in everyone, through a spirit of respect and cooperation. St. Patrick School provides a quality Catholic education for all.
•Our teachers know the students and their families by name.
•We are a community rooted in faith, love, and values.
•We ensure that students succeed academically.
•Over 95% of our graduates attend college, often earning scholarships.
•Busy working families are served from 6:30 am until 6:00 pm.
•We utilize technology to enhance our students’ learning and growth.
•Our teachers meet the individual needs of each student.
•Our academic program is enriched by extracurricular activities, including sports, art, and music.
•We work with families to make this investment affordable.
St. Patrick School follows the calendar established by the Diocese of Grand Rapids. This means that our schedule does not always match the schedule of the local public school.
Our Expectations
We have certain expectations: What we expect from our parents and what our parents can expect from our staff. High expectations will help our students be as successful as possible and will pay dividends long into the future.SPACE
What we expect of our parents:
1) Parents need to support school policies – rules are not made to be broken.
2) Parents need to support the principals’ and teachers’ decisions even if they do not necessarily agree with them.
3) Parents need to help with homework and assignments – not do the work for your child. This provides a gateway to talk about other important items besides schoolwork.
4) Parents are responsible for responding to teachers’ notes and messages. Please check your child’s backpack and/or Friday Folders.
5) Parents are expected to take their child(ren) to church on the Sabbath. It is the parents’ responsibility to obviate what we are trying to teach. Even our non-Catholic students are expected to attend whatever church they belong to.
6) Parents are expected to be present at school activities when invited and to be on time. The school years are a very important time in your child’s life.
7) Parents are expected to provide adequate provisions of school supplies, a cold lunch or lunch money, and the appropriate dress code clothing.
8) Parents are expected to supplement and follow through with lessons taught at school. For example, when covering estimating in math, take your child grocery shopping with you and have them estimate the cost of groceries.
9) Parents are accountable for their child’s whereabouts, call and inform the school when they are absent, and know where they are going after school. Students should not be using the phone during the school day to make after school arrangements. This should be scheduled and planned the night before.
What our parents can expect from our teaching staff:
1) Quality instruction in the classroom.
2) Order and discipline in the classroom.
3) Being fair to all students. Fair does not mean “equal.” Fair means I treat your child as an individual.
4) An update on your child’s progress from time to time. Teachers have been asked to update their grades by Friday of each week, so when parents access them online, they are guaranteed to be updated at least weekly.
5) Teachers must communicate any serious problems they have with your child. If your child’s grade falls below a C-, the teacher is required to contact the parent.
6) Teachers are expected to be present at activities and support their students outside of the classroom.
7) Teachers are expected to infuse the curriculum with Catholic Christian values.
8) Parents can expect to get “a bang for your bucks.”
These expectations are important for all schools and for all teachers and parents. If you are dissatisfied with your child’s education at St. Patrick School please contact Randy Hodge or Cortney Smith immediately, so you can sit down together and discuss what expectations are not being met and make sure the situation is corrected.
Other Useful Information
See additional information on the Prospective Families page.
- Documents & Forms
- General Information
- Scholarships/Memorials
- School Events Calendar
- Standardized Test Scores
- St. Patrick School History
- YouTube Channel
Contact Us:
- Principal Randy Hodge
- Principal Cortney Smith
- Website Administrators
- For all other staff members, please visit the Staff page.
Faculty and Staff Information:
- Administrator/Principal grades Preschool-12
- School Counselor grades DK-12
- Full-time Pastor
Grades 9-12
- Certified Classroom Instructors
- School Counselor
Grades DK-8
- Certified Classroom Instructors
- School Counselor
Preschool and DK
- Fully licensed by the State of Michigan
- Staffed by certified early childhood instructors
About Our Community
Portland, Michigan is located at the junction of the Grand and Lookingglass Rivers. It is conveniently situated on Interstate 96 with easy access to Lansing (20 miles) and Grand Rapids (30 miles). The “City of Two Rivers” offers over eight miles of paved walking trails which wind through city parks, and along the river banks.