About St. Patrick High School
We are very proud of our high school! Portland St. Patrick is the only high school in the diocese which is fully supported by a single parish. Our students consistently score the highest of any other school in the area on standardized testing; 100% of our students graduate and over 98% of them go on to college.
Class of 2024
Bus Transportation
Bus transportation is provided by Portland Public Schools. If you have questions, please contact the bus garage at 647-2993.
High school students who will be riding the bus should contact the bus garage to make arrangements.
Hot Lunch February Menu
Hot Lunch Service is provided to St. Patrick School through Portland Food Service by Chartwells. Hot lunch will begin on the first full day of school. The cost for high school students is $3.00 per day. Cold lunch students can purchase milk for $ .60.
Each child has their own computerized lunch account. (Meal Magic Family Portal New user instructions) Cash or checks may be applied at any time to this account. Please make checks out to Portland Food Service (PFS). Middle/high school students should bring their money to the cafeteria.
Absence Reporting Procedures
- Students who must leave school early must obtain a pass from the office prior to the start of school. Parents must provide written request, stating the reason for early dismissal before the office staff will issue a pass. Students who leave for an appointment and return before the end of the regular school day must report to the office upon return. Information regarding early departure and time of return will appear on the daily attendance log provided to teachers. When entering or leaving the building at other than regular times, students must sign in and out in the office.
- We do encourage parents/guardians to arrange their vacations so they do not interfere with the regular school calendar.
- Absences will be considered unexcused if the guidelines are not followed, in which case the student will receive a zero for all work missed. Absences must be verified by 9:00 a.m. the next day or the absence may remain unexcused.
Grading Scale
A+ 97-100
A 93-96
A- 90-92
B+ 87-89
B 83-86
B- 80-82
C+ 77-79
C 73-76
C- 70-72
D+ 67-69
D 63-66
D- 60-62
F 59 and below
P Pass
EX Exempt
I Incomplete
I – Upon receiving an “I” or Incomplete, students are granted a two-week period in which to complete the work for a course, upon the approval of the teacher and the school administrators. Unless the work is completed within the two-week period, the grade that the student receives is the grade they earned for the marking period.
High School Schedule
School Day: 7:30 am – 2:20 pm
Lunch: 11:07 am – 11:34 am
Mass Day: Wednesdays 9:30 am
Additional Information
- Supply List
- Curriculum
- Please visit this link to the Diocese of Grand Rapids Curriculum Standards.
- High School Staff
- Counseling Services
- Athletics
- Student Council
- Dress Code
- Graduation Requirements
- Extra-Curricular Activities
- School Handbook can be found on the Documents/Forms page
- Point of Contact Progression Chart