
About St. Patrick Middle School

  • Although home rooms are assigned for each grade, middle school students are placed with a team of four teachers who teach the five core subject areas.  They work collaboratively to provide a quality education to our middle school students.
  • The students also have Technology, STEM, Physical Education, and Art classes taught by certified instructors in their area of expertise.
  • Lockers are available and will be assigned to students.
Hot Lunch             April Menu             March Menu          

The Hot Lunch program is provided through Portland Food Service by Chartwells. Hot lunch will begin on the first full day of school.  The cost for middle school students is $3.00 per day.  Cold lunch students can purchase milk for $ .60.

Each student has their own computerized lunch account.  (Meal Magic Family Portal     New user instructions). Cash or checks may be applied at any time to this account. Please make checks out to Portland Food Service (PFS). Middle/high school students should bring their money to the cafeteria.

Bus Transportation

Bus transportation is provided by Portland Public Schools.  If you have questions, please contact the bus garage at 647-2993. If your student needs a bus pass, please call the bus garage.

Absence Reporting
If your student will be absent, please call the school office by 7:15 a.m.
Grading Scale

A+ 97-100

A     93-96
A-    90-92
B+   87-89

B      83-86
B-    80-82
C+   77-79
C     73-76
C-    70-72
D+   67-69
D     63-66
D-    60-62
F     0-59
P     Pass
EX  Exempt
I     Incomplete
I – Upon receiving an “I” or Incomplete, students are granted a two-week period in which to complete the work for a course, upon the approval of the teacher and the school administrators. Unless the work is completed within the two-week period, the grade that the student receives is the grade they earned for the marking period.