Our Programs
St. Patrick School in partnership with home, parish and community will provide a Christ-centered educational program for our students to prepare them academically, spiritually and socially.
We are the only Preschool-12th grade Catholic school in the Diocese of Grand Rapids, and one of very few in the entire country that offers everything under one roof! From the time they enter as preschoolers until they graduate from high school, our students are part of our one big family.
This works well for parents, who don’t have to run between buildings; it works well for the staff, who get to know the children and watch them grow; and it works well for the students.
Our Big Rocks/Little Rocks mentoring program is possible because of this unique situation. At the Kindergarten level, each student (Little Rock) is assigned a mentor from the 6th grade (Big Rock). The mentor will sit with them in church, help them with projects, and will become a role model for them. Typically, the Little Rock will have the same Big Rock for their entire time in the elementary school. When they reach 6th grade, and their Big Rock graduates, they are ready to become role models/mentors for a new group of incoming children.